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What is online reputation and how to take care of it?

Your company’s online reputation  digital presence is what the internet says about your brand and the brand of your employees. The easiest way is to ask Google. What results does the search engine return when you search for your brand? Try doing it from a computer and then from a mobile phone. What has to come up first is your company’s website . There is no mistake about this. If it doesn’t, if your own website doesn’t appear on the first page of Google, something is really wrong and needs urgent intervention. There is no time to waste.

A company’s website is its most important digital asset. It contains all the messages, images and content that it wants to convey. It is your vision and your perspective.

However, after your own website, there are other references, right? Your company may have profiles on other websites, references on social networks, entries in information aggregators… You may control some of these references, but there are others that you didn’t know about. Well, all of that is your online reputation.

What is online brand search?

Brand search is exactly that: someone searching online for the name of your company, your brand, or one of your products. For better or worse, potential customers, investors, job candidates, partners… they all search for your name on Google.

And no, they don’t just go with what your website says. They list of paraguay consumer email look for what’s being said about your brand elsewhere, in the media, on product comparison sites, on job portals and on specialist websites. What if they don’t like what they find? Well, it’s a lost opportunity forever. Your version is on your website, but everyone else’s is out there in the vast online world.

So, have you checked out what Google says about your brand? Go ahead and open a new browser tab and do it. That’s where you’ll start seeing your online reputation.

Here we can see the first page of the search engine results page (SERP) for Bannister Global. Your results will likely look the same.

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Google Search – Bannister Global

In addition to the company’s own website, the results are kit to build your industrial marketing plan for 2021 likely toinclude a newspaper article or a specialist website, which can be a good thing. It’s also possible that a competitor has bid on your name as a keyword in Google Ads and is appearing ahead of your website when your name is searched. This can be remedied by countering with another bid. It will cost money, but it can be done.

Maybe you searched for your brand name and, because it is not very specific agb directory and is shared by other company/ies , their results outperform yours. This can happen if your brand is too generic, if it is a common name in any other language on the planet, or if you have not protected it in European trademark and commercial registers. Specific brands with original characteristics are easier to manage online .

If you still want to compete with your current brand, the best way is to work on building your domain authority, creating a powerful website and getting references on third-party websites.

Another very real possibility in industrial companies is that there may be some unpleasant news from the past in the press (bad references, union conflicts, accidents, legal cases…) that appear with your brand search. In this case, long-term work must be done to ensure that these


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